(585) 265.4330            cs@csautomation.net

SMAC is a leading manufacturer of precision programmable electric actuators based on moving coil technology. Our actuators are unique in that force, position, and speed are totally programmable. SMAC electric actuators are optimized to perform at either exceptionally high speeds or very low speeds and with sub-micron accuracy and repeatability. Patented Soft-Land™ function gives extremely accurate sensing of product location or dimensions.

This makes SMAC electric actuators ideal for a wide range of high cycle positioning, measuring, inspection, and pick and place applications, particularly where 100% verification is required. Customers that desire increased up-time, easy set up, and high levels of adjustment can make dramatic improvements by using mechatronic SMAC Moving Coil technology.

SMAC Moving Coil Actuators are made in the U.S.A.

Electric Cylinders

High speed, compact and price-competitive cylinder actuators that provide an alternative to pneumatic cylinders. SMAC electric cylinders offer life well beyond 100 million cycles and the ability to repeat a move within one millisecond with no stiction. The conventional cylinder actuator shape along with multiple mounting locations allow the electric cylinders to be directly retrofitted in most cases.

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Linear Actuator

A comprehensive selection of electric linear actuators offered in a wide range of sizes, styles, and options designed for automated manufacturing, packaging, assembly applications, and more.  Actuators range in size 6-50mm thick with strokes from 10mm all the way up to 250mm.  Some configurations also support thrust forces up to 500N.

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Multi-Axis Systems

SMAC offers versatile and adaptable multi-axis solutions which are suitable for a wide range of applications.  Any combination of either linear actuator, slide actuator,
integrated linear-rotary actuator, or XY stage can be used to create a multi-axis assembly.  SMAC’s highly flexible control products enables systems to learn and follow 3D contours
and motion paths through the use  utilizing linear and circular interpolation as well as electronic gearing.  This makes it possible to follow a chosen XYZ contour while maintaining constant speed and high degrees of precision, accuracy, and repeatability.  Thanks to an airless design and several cleanroom capable features SMAC products are suitable for the following applications:

  • Measuring and Testing

  • Pick-and-place

  • Deposition

  • Machining

  • Scoring

  • Cutting

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